
Returns are used to track the return of an item or items to a merchant. Returns can be created for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Item is damaged
  • Item is defective
  • Item is incorrect
  • Item is missing
  • Item is no longer needed
  • Item is not as described
  • Item is not what was ordered
  • Item is unwanted
  • Item was not delivered
  • Item was not received
  • Item was not received on time
  • Item was not what was expected



idIntegerUnique identifier for the entry in the table
created_dateDate/TimeDate and time when the entry was created
amountDecimalThe monetary amount associated with the entry
action_neededBooleanIndicates whether any action is required for the entry
conditionStringDescribes the condition of the item or situation
customerEmailStringEmail address of the customer associated with the entry
customer_idIntegerUnique identifier for the customer associated with the entry
descriptionStringBrief description or additional details about the entry
enteredByStringName or identifier of the person who entered the entry
flat_rate_shippingBooleanIndicates whether the shipping rate is a flat rate
order_dateDate/TimeDate and time when the order was placed
order_idIntegerUnique identifier for the order associated with the entry
reason_categoryStringCategory or reason associated with the entry
reported_conditionStringCondition as reported by the customer or user
requested_dateDate/TimeDate and time when a specific request was made for the entry
rmaStringReturn Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number for the entry
serial_numberStringUnique serial number associated with the item in the entry
shipped_dateDate/TimeDate and time when the item was shipped or dispatched
statusStringCurrent status or state of the entry
tax_refundedDecimalThe amount of tax refunded for the entry
total_refundedDecimalThe total amount refunded for the entry
tracking_numberStringTracking number associated with the shipment for the entry

Return Line Item

amountDecimalThe monetary amount associated with the return line item
conditionStringDescribes the condition of the returned item
flat_rate_shippingBooleanIndicates whether the shipping rate is a flat rate
idIntegerUnique identifier for the return line item
nameStringName or description of the return line item
priceDecimalThe price of the return line item
return_idIntegerUnique identifier for the return associated with the line item
serial_numberStringUnique serial number associated with the returned item
skuStringStock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the returned item
tax_refundedDecimalThe amount of tax refunded for the return line item