List Vendor
This endpoint gets or creates a new vendor.
This is the limit of the vendors.
This is the offset of the vendors.
This is the order direction of the vendors.
This is the id of the vendor.
This is the name of the vendor.
This is the notes of the vendor.
This is the subtype of the vendor.
This is the type of the vendor.
This is the owner of the vendor.
This is the source of the vendor.
This is the annual revenue of the vendor.
This is the avatar of the vendor.
This is the billing city of the vendor.
This is the billing country of the vendor.
This is the billing latitude of the vendor.
This is the billing longitude of the vendor.
This is the billing state of the vendor.
This is the billing street of the vendor.
This is the created at of the vendor.
This is the description of the vendor.
This is the employees of the vendor.
This is the fax of the vendor.
This is the industry of the vendor.
This is the is active of the vendor.
This is the is public of the vendor.
This is the last modified by of the vendor.
Vendors describes the general data about the vendor in Stateset.
The vendor object
Name | Type | Description |
id | Text | Unique identifier for the vendor |
vendorName | Text | Name of the vendor |
vendorNotes | Text | Notes or additional information about the vendor |
vendorSubtype | Text | Subtype or specific category of the vendor |
vendorType | Text | Type or general category of the vendor |
vendor_owner | Text | Owner or responsible person for the vendor |
vendor_source | Text | Source or origin of the vendor |
annualRevenue | Text | Annual revenue associated with the vendor |
avatar | Text | URL or path to the vendor’s avatar image |
billingCity | Text | City of the billing address |
billingCountry | Text | Country of the billing address |
billingLatitude | Text | Latitude coordinate of the billing address |
billingLongitude | Text | Longitude coordinate of the billing address |
billingState | Text | State or province of the billing address |
billingStreet | Text | Street address of the billing address |
created_at | Date/Time | Date and time when the vendor was created |
description | Text | Description or additional details about the vendor |
employees | Text | Number or range of employees associated with the vendor |
fax | Text | Fax number of the vendor |
industry | Text | Industry or sector of the vendor |
is_active | Boolean | Indicates whether the vendor is currently active |
is_public | Boolean | Indicates whether the vendor is public or private |
last_modified_by | Text | Last person who modified the vendor |
numberOfEmployees | Text | Number of employees associated with the vendor |
ownership | Text | Ownership type or structure of the vendor |
parentVendor | Text | Parent vendor associated with the vendor |
phone | Text | Phone number of the vendor |
rating | Text | Rating or evaluation of the vendor |
shippingCity | Text | City of the shipping address |
shippingCountry | Text | Country of the shipping address |
shippingLatitude | Text | Latitude coordinate of the shipping address |
shippingLongitude | Text | Longitude coordinate of the shipping address |
shippingState | Text | State or province of the shipping address |
shippingStreet | Text | Street address of the shipping address |
stockTicker | Text | Stock ticker symbol associated with the vendor |
website | Text | Website URL of the vendor |
yearStarted | Text | Year the vendor started or established |