List Wholesale Orders
This endpoint list wholesale orders.
This is the limit of the wholesale orders.
This is the offset of the wholesale orders.
This is the order direction of the wholesale orders.
The Id of the wholesale order
The name of the wholesale order
The order number of the wholesale order
The date the wholesale order was created
The date the wholesale order was last updated
The financial status of the wholesale order
The fulfillment status of the wholesale order
The imported status of the wholesale order
The delivery date of the wholesale order
The delivery address of the wholesale order
Location or site where the work order is applicable
Memo or additional notes related to the work order
The date the wholesale order was imported
The customer number of the wholesale order
The email of the buyer
Message from the buyer
SLA time for order cancellation
Reason for order cancellation
Who initiated the cancellation
Type of fulfillment for the order
Type of delivery for the order
Whether the order is Cash on Delivery
Whether this is a replacement order
Note from the seller
Current status of the order
Tracking number for the order
ID of the warehouse fulfilling the order