Create Picks
This endpoint creates a new picks
The id of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new id will be generated.
The number of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new number will be generated.
The delivery date of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new delivery date will be generated.
The arrival date of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new arrival date will be generated.
The ship per of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new ship per will be generated.
The tracking number of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new tracking number will be generated.
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick