Update Pick
This endpoint updates a pick
The id of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new id will be generated.
The number of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new number will be generated.
The date_created of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new date_created will be generated.
The bill_of_materials_number of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new bill_of_materials_number will be generated.
The location of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new location will be generated.
The pick_method of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new pick_method will be generated.
The site of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new site will be generated.
The status of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new status will be generated.
The work_order_number of the packing_list to be created. If not provided, a new work_order_number will be generated.
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick
This is the unique identifier for the pick